What is a Short Film: A Simple Guide

Welcome, fellow cinematic explorer! Ever found yourself wanting to dive into the amazing world of filmmaking? Sitting there in your room, watching your favorite movie, have you ever wondered – “How can I create my own film?” If you have, then this guide is just for you! Today, we’re stepping into the captivating realm of short films and understanding the basics of what makes them so special. But first, let’s dive into what is a featured film.

What is a Featured Film?

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A featured film, or feature-length film, is what you typically see in theaters or streaming platforms. We’re talking about movies like “Inception,” “The Dark Knight,” “Finding Nemo,” or any other film that typically lasts between 90 to 120 minutes. These films are meticulously crafted, often involving extensive scripts, massive budgets, lengthy shooting schedules, and numerous actors.

What is a Short Film?

A short film, on the other hand, is pretty much what it sounds like – short! These films can range anywhere from a few seconds to approximately 30 minutes in duration. There are countless genres you can explore with short films – drama, comedy, animation, documentary, fantasy and so much more! The beauty of a short film lies in its versatility and the opportunity it grants for breaking conventional movie norms.

What is the Purpose

Just as every artist has a brush, every filmmaker has a film. Short films provide a platform for filmmakers to express their creativity, share their unique stories, and experiment with different genres and techniques. They’re perfect for those moments when you want to share a potent message but don’t need two hours to do so.

Moreover, these little gems often serve as a stepping stone for budding filmmakers. It’s a chance to showcase their talent, build their portfolio, and potentially catch the eye of someone in the bigger filmmaking world.

Why Make a Film

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Creating a short film reaps an array of benefits. To start with, it’s cost-effective – you don’t require a blockbuster budget to bring your vision to life. Additionally, short films allow for more creative liberties. You can push boundaries, experiment with concepts, and narrate stories that might not work in a full-length format.

Finally, making a short film can kickstart your career in filmmaking. If your short film garners attention, it might open doors to creating full-length features in the future. In essence, a short film provides the ideal platform to step into the vast world of filmmaking. Apart from honing your craftsmanship, it guides you through the entire process – from conception to completion.

Three Film types?

When we talk about short films, we often categorize them into several types. These types often are influenced by the narrative, the presentation, and the theme. Today, we’re going to focus on three main types of short films: narrative, documentary, and experimental.

Narrative Short Films – Where would the film world be without a good ol’ narrative? Narrative short films tell a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The narrative is threaded together with characters, conflict, and resolution.

Think about the classic Disney Pixar short films like “For the Birds” and “Luxo Jr.”. These are narrative short films. They’re loved not just because of the cute animations, but also because of their clever storytelling within just a few minutes.

Documentary Short Films – Emphasizing real events and people, documentary short films are non-fiction films that leave an impact on audiences through presenting truth and reality in digestible bites. These work best when they focus on a specific subject matter or a particular point of view.

Take, for example, “Period. End of Sentence.”, which won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject in 2019. This film, focusing on Indian women fighting against the deeply rooted stigma of menstruation, is a beautiful example of how incredibly moving and inspiring documentary short films can be.

Experimental Short Films – If narrative is the book report and documentary is the newspaper, then experimental films are the intricate abstract paintings of the film world. They tear away from traditional narratives or techniques, experimenting with visual and auditory elements to create a unique experience.

They’re often abstract, visually stunning, and leave you questioning what exactly you just watched. “Meshes of the Afternoon” by Maya Deren, a surreal and dreamlike film, is a classic example of an experimental short film.


Embarking on the journey of filmmaking with a Short Film is exciting, challenging, and incredibly rewarding. It’s a stepping-stone to the broader cinematic world, a playground for creative experimentation, and a way to tell powerful stories in a succinct format. So, set your fears aside, grab that camera, and start telling your unique stories — the world eagerly awaits your masterpiece!

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